
The Love Cast with Jamal

The Love Cast with Jamal is a bi-weekly podcast show by author & life coach Jamal Jivanjee that will examine topics, as well as conduct informative interviews, related to consciousness, business, sports, relationships, spirituality, personal empowerment, mental health, etc...
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The Love Cast with Jamal









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Dec 11, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews medical student Ryan Nelson about his experience of reading 'Free To Love'. In this discussion, Ryan talks about how he is processing the concept of relational oneness described in the book, how this relates to marriage and romantic relationships, in addition to non-romantic relationships as well.  Give this conversation a close listen and enjoy!    

Dec 4, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal sits down with the extraordinary French author Claire Galisson to talk to her about her unlikely love story regarding meeting her husband, their religious deconstruction, and also the inspiration behind her ground breaking novel that is making waves in France.  

If you would like more information about Claire's epic French novel, visit this site: 

Nov 27, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about the power of remembering the commitments we have made (both consciously and unconsciously), remembering this past year, and even remembering our own conception before birth!  

In addition to this, Jamal talks about a prize he will be giving away to select listeners of The Love Cast.  Give this episode a listen and enjoy... 

Nov 20, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, we discuss a mature subject matter that might not be suitable for young ears.  This episode deals with the topic of sexuality, and more specifically, sacred sexuality.

Most conversations about sex and sexuality usually come from one of two destructive and harmful extremes.  One extreme views sex and sexuality from a shame based religious paradigm.  This is rooted in the fallacious idea that base human nature and sexual desire is inherently evil, shameful, and is something to be repressed. 

The other extreme takes a reactive and opposite approach to sex and sexuality by viewing it in a casual and non-sacred way.  

In this episode of The Love Cast, Aly Sousa and Jamal Jivanjee seek to shed light on the destructive nature of seeing our sexuality as something shameful to be repressed, as well as the equally destructive nature of seeing sex and sexuality in a casual and non-sacred way. 
Why do we have sex or seek to engage with another sexually?  This is an all important question that often goes un-examined.  In this conversation, we discuss why our sexuality is one of the most powerful aspects of our being that has the potential for great healing and restoration, or for great pain and dehumanization.  There are many layers to this conversation that are important for us to consider no matter if we are married or single.  Give this episode a careful listen.   
Nov 13, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about why the prayers of so many of us go answered.  This episode begins by exposing the religious fallacy of surrendering our intentions and desires at 'the cross' and why this concept is damaging to us psychologically. I also talk about the healthy concept of surrendering our attachments, however, and why intentions and attachments are not the same thing.  

At the 12:26 mark, I get into why our prayers seemingly go unanswered and how many of us unintentionally block the answers to the very prayers we are praying.  I discuss the necessity of our personal operating systems to be congruent with what we have intention and desire for and why the dismantling of our foundational assumptions and beliefs about reality are key to bringing our personal operating systems in line with our intentions / prayers.  
At the 23:26 mark, I talk about the power of personal coaching in regards to identifying and addressing incongruity within our personal operating systems and the prayers / intentions we have been asking for.
At the 25:50 mark, I introduce my friend Krystal to the podcast who I've had the privilege of coaching this past year.  She describes her experience and the changes in her life as a result of her operating system being adjusted.  
Give this conversation a careful listen and enjoy.
Nov 1, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews public health advocate and international peace activist Jimmy Figueiredo about his life's work of helping international revolutionaries and freedom fighters transition from conflict into story telling and peace making.  

Jimmy begins this interview sharing about his formative years growing up in New England as a minority.  
At the 21:55 mark, Jimmy shares how a devastating and life threatening accident eventually opened the doors for him to get involved in HIV advocacy and hospice work.
At the 41:45 mark, Jimmy shares how his work for the state government led him to being recruited by governments internationally.  
At the 48:00 mark, Jimmy shares how he began to help people transition from fighting and resistance to story telling.  
At the 51:54 mark, Jimmy shares how he began to teach local activists to find the solutions to their problems from within themselves and not look to anything externally.  
At the 1:03 mark, Jimmy talks about his current work with immigrants and war refugees in the United States.  
At the 1:13 mark, Jimmy talks about the scale of how he measures true personal catastrophe from illusions of catastrophe. 
This is an epic conversation that you don't want to miss...Enjoy!   
Oct 16, 2017

In traditional Christianity, God is almost exclusively understood in masculine terms.  God is always a 'He' and a 'Father', but almost never is God referred to in the feminine as 'she' or as 'Mother'?  Not only is this absent from the typical Christian understanding of God, referring to the divine through a feminine grid is often met with disdain and hostility.       

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal Jivanjee and Aly Sousa sit down to talk about why this occurs, how this damages humanity at a psychological level, and even how this contributes to sexual repression.  Could the 'Way' of Jesus (as understood in the days of Jesus) be just as much about the revelation of God as mother as well as father?  Could this original understanding of the gospel have been purposely concealed?  This episode deserves a careful hearing from start to finish.        

Oct 9, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discusses the reality of the three universal languages that all people have the ability to speak, and how to recognize which language you have been primarily speaking.  Give this episode a listen and enjoy!

Oct 3, 2017
This epic interview with Ethan Jones (from Nashville, TN) will leave you with many things to ponder that has the potential to completely change your understanding of relationships and faith.  Ethan begins this interview talking a bit about his childhood and the deconstruction of his faith. 
At the 12:40 mark, Ethan talks about his discovery that the knowledge of 'right' and 'wrong' is not actually important. 
At the 15:00 mark, Ethan talks about a spiritual experience that helped him see his inherit goodness as a human being and how this altered his understanding of the nature of 'truth'. 
At the 18:45 mark, Ethan talks about why getting honest with yourself will radically affect your relationships that have been built on dishonesty.  
At the 23:55 mark, Ethan talks about why life coaching is like picking someone's pocket. 
At the 26:00 mark, Ethan talks about why honesty is so difficult for many Christians. 
At the 36:55 mark, Ethan talks about why the only way to fully and intimately love and be committed in relationship is through non-attachment.
At the 41:40 mark, Ethan talks about why the need for permanence in a relationship often leads to the opposite.
At the 43:40 mark, Ethan talks about what it means to 'fall in love'.  
At the 45:40 mark, Ethan talks about his understanding of marriage in light of non-attachment. 
Sep 25, 2017

This episode of The Love Cast starts off with Jamal sharing something personal about a tendency he has had in his past relationships regarding hiding shit, and attracting others into his life that mirror that same tendency as well.  

At the 19:11 mark, Jamal shares that a major reason why so much shit remains hidden is because of relational virginity.
At the 23:55 mark, Jamal talks about being careful to not pay people for their shit or else they will stay mired in their shit.
At the 31:55 mark, Jamal talks about the true beauty and power of owning and accepting your shit. To own and accept your shit is to transcend your shit.    
Let me encourage you to listen to this episode in its entirety from start to finish as this might be one of the most important episodes of The Love Cast to date.    
Sep 18, 2017

Did you know that the way of love, although accessible to the masses, is often only walked by a few?  The way of love is often hidden in plain sight.  

This episode of The Love Cast features part two of Aly Sousa's interview with Jamal Jivanjee about his experience walking the five hundred mile El Camino in northern Spain, and how the life and history of Mary Magdalene paved the way for his most significant life discovery to date. Don't be afraid to settle in for this layered conversation.     

Sep 11, 2017

Season two of The Love Cast kicks off with this episode as Aly Sousa interviews Jamal about his recent trip to Europe where he walked the classic five hundred mile El Camino de Santiago.  In this interview, Jamal shares how this journey unexpectedly led him to make some discoveries about the person of Mary Magdalene that has affected his life in a very personal way.  This is part one of a two part interview. Sit down, grab a cafe au lait, and give this interview a careful listen.  

If you have comments or questions about what is shared in this episode, please feel free to send Jamal an email here.   

May 29, 2017

Have you ever encountered the beautifully disruptive *way* of love? This is the final episode of The Love Cast before Jamal leaves to embark on a 5-6 week hike (The El-Camino) in northern Spain.  In this episode, Jamal shares four truths about the beautifully disruptive *way* of love that may be helpful for you.  

In addition to this message, a few important housekeeping updates are shared as well.  Give this episode a careful listen.  

In case you missed Jamal's recent conversation with Quoir authors Keith Giles & Matthew Distefano about why the Penal Substitution Atonement theory enshrines violence, you can listen to them here.  There never has been a more important time for this discussion: 

Part 1


Part 2 


Part 3 



May 16, 2017
Although Jesus was the prince of peace and demonstrated love and non-violence throughout his life, evangelical Christians by and large have been the most consistent defenders of empire building, military action, and war. The reason for this anomaly among Christian behavior isn't simply hypocrisy, however. This behavior could very well be rooted in the way we have been taught to see the cross and the nature of divine justice. Because humans are reflective beings, people will always reflect the God they perceive.
I recently sat down with fellow Quoir authors Matthew Distefano & Keith Giles to record a podcast about how the Penal Substitution Atonement theory (held by evangelicalism) actually produces violence.  
At the 6:15 mark, we discuss the disconnect that penal substitution theory causes between our view of God as father, and our view of Jesus.
At the 10:00 mark, we discuss the fallacy of believing that sin separates us from God.
At the 14:30 mark, we discuss why Jesus actually was crucified.
At the 20:54 mark, we discuss why Penal Substitution Theory of the cross was not a view held by early Christians.  Penal Substitution Theory, as commonly found in modern evangelical thinking, was largely a creation of John Calvin.  
The resources mentioned in this conversation were:
May 10, 2017

Have you ever wondered what constitutes a 'good' day from a 'bad' day?  In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about the connection between our own suffering, and how we perceive the nature of our day and the events that shape our day. In addition to this, Jamal discusses why living in hell takes a lot of practice and why 'clearing the air' of all the toxicity we've helped create through our negative perceptions takes time.  This episode could completely alter your perception of reality.  Give it a listen.        

May 3, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, founder of Quoir Publishing, Ralph Polendo, gives us an update about some important new projects that are in the works with Quoir.  Also in this episode, singer / songwriter Barrett Johnson exclusively showcases a few of his new songs from his recently recorded EP that has not yet released to the public. These songs are a real gift. Give this episode a listen and enjoy the music!     

Apr 26, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about the pain and suffering that can occur when evolved illusions about Santa Claus and Christianity are accepted as reality instead of distortions of reality.  In addition to this, Jamal also shares two important and exciting announcements with the listeners of The Love Cast. Give this episode a careful listen and enjoy!      

Apr 19, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal Jivanjee & Jared Gustafson have a conversation about some of the often overlooked details of how the story of The Shack was developed. In this conversation, we also discuss what some of the conflict is about even among the original authors of the story.  In this episode, I discuss why I believe that an universalist understanding of the gospel actually gave rise to the story of The Shack, and why that is a good thing.  Give this interview a listen and enjoy!          

Apr 12, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal has a conversation with Aly Sousa about the nature of conversion.  In this conversation, conversion is looked at from the perspective of the present tense. What if conversion isn't something that happens once in the past, but is a continual state of being?  What if all of life is an opportunity to continually be converted?  What would it look like to surrender to the flow of life and see what is happening as an opportunity for conversion?  Grab a cup of coffee and give this conversation about conversion a listen.   

Apr 5, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about a male only club that he is a part of that celebrates masculinity by growing mustaches for the month of March. Jamal also discusses how growing a mustache caused him to have an existential crisis. In addition to this, we talk about how Jesus set the example for us to identify with our true eternal nature that has no beginning or end and cannot be shaken by anything temporal. Our true nature transcends time and space and physicality. Give this episode a careful listen and enjoy.  


For the month of April, Quoir Publishing is offering the Kindle version of all their titles, (including my book 'Free To Love'), for only 99 cents!  Get in on this offer HERE. 

Mar 29, 2017

Contrary to popular opinion, salvation actually has nothing to do with the 'afterlife'. In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about the nature of salvation, and why the salvation that Jesus talked about is rarely experienced within Christianity.  In this episode, Jamal discusses why the concept of a 'future', as well as a focus on basic survival, actually distract us from the present-tense nature of salvation. Give this episode a listen and enjoy!  

Mar 21, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal interviews therapist Krista Hoffman about her strict religious background and how that eventually came unraveled.  Krista also shares about how a physical massage helped reveal the fact that memories and unprocessed feelings are physically stored in the body. Give this interview a careful listen. You'll find it fascinating.    


The Amazon affiliate resources mentioned in this interview are:

The Healing Code by Dr. Alexander Loyd & Dr. Ben Johnson 

The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton



Mar 14, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discusses the controversy in Christian fundamentalist circles surrounding the recently released 'Shack' film, and why the quest to be 'biblical' is not actually very biblical.  This episode requires careful thought and open minded consideration.  Please refrain from reactions and commentary until you have listened to this message in its entirety.      

Mar 7, 2017

This is part 2 of an epic two part interview with singer / songwriter (and season 11 star of ABC's The Bachelorette) Brady Toops. In part 2 of this interview, Brady continues to talk about his spiritual journey, his deconstructing and reconstructing understanding of God, and also a bit about his time on the Bachelorette.  Part 2 of this interview concludes with another single from Brady's new record Tried & True. Again, this interview has the potential to be paradigm altering and is not for the faint of heart.   

Brady's music has over 2 million spins on Spotify and he was recently named "one of our favorite new artists" by RELEVANT Magazine. Taking a slight haitus from touring in 2015, Brady appeared on Season 11 of ABC's hit reality TV show "The Bachelorette". As one of the 25 suitors looking to win the heart of the Bachelorette, Brady left the show during the first night's rose ceremony to pursue one of the Bachelorettes who was voted off, a unique twist for that season. Fresh off a highly adventurous summer with a surplus of emotions and newfound experiences, Brady took the inspiration and disappeared into the studio to write and record 10 new songs. The record that ensued is his boldest and most honest record to date showcasing a rootsy, soulful sound that builds off his previous work.

Brady's forthcoming record "Tried & True" will officially release March 11th, 2017, but is available for pre-order on Amazon here:

(This link is associated with the amazon affiliate program) 

Feb 28, 2017

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal conducts part 1 of an epic two part interview with singer / songwriter (and season 11 star of ABC's The Bachelorette) Brady Toops. In this interview, Brady shares a bit of his personal history, his spiritual journey, the deconstruction of his faith, and the evolution of his career. Part 1 of this interview concludes with a single from Brady's new record Tried & True. This interview has the potential to be paradigm altering and is not for the faint of heart.   

Brady's music has over 2 million spins on Spotify and was recently named "one of our favorite new artists" by RELEVANT Magazine. Taking a slight haitus from touring in 2015, Brady appeared on Season 11 of ABC's hit reality TV show "The Bachelorette". As one of the 25 suitors looking to win the heart of the Bachelorette, Brady left the show during the first night's rose ceremony to pursue one of the Bachelorettes who was voted off, a unique twist for that season. Fresh off a highly adventurous summer with a surplus of emotions and newfound experiences, Brady took the inspiration and disappeared into the studio to write and record 10 new songs. The record that ensued is his boldest and most honest record to date showcasing a rootsy, soulful sound that builds off his previous work.

Brady's forthcoming record "Tried & True" will officially release March 11th, 2017, but is available for pre-order on Amazon here:


(This link is associated with the Amazon affiliate program) 

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