
The Love Cast with Jamal

The Love Cast with Jamal is a bi-weekly podcast show by author & life coach Jamal Jivanjee that will examine topics, as well as conduct informative interviews, related to consciousness, business, sports, relationships, spirituality, personal empowerment, mental health, etc...
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The Love Cast with Jamal









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Now displaying: 2020
Dec 23, 2020

Did you know that the ego needs to be aware of and focused on problems to survive?

This also applies toward health. When we are operating under the influence of divine source energy, however, our focus shifts away from problems and illness, and toward feelings of gratitude for our health and abundance.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I share a story of how this subtle shift in awareness helped cure someone of a terminal disease.   

Dec 15, 2020

When do you feel the most accomplished and productive? 

If you struggle feeling accomplished and productive when relaxing and resting, it may be an indicator that you are not operating under the influence of divine source energy.  

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discusses the third sign that indicates we are operating under the influence of divine source energy, and also why knowing our inherent perfection is key to a productive life...

Dec 8, 2020

Do you know the difference between a thermostat and a thermometer?

Do you operate as a thermometer or a thermostat in life?

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about sign #2 that indicates the nature of that which we are operating under the influence of. This is part two of a new five part series about operating under the influence. Give this episode a careful listen...  

Dec 1, 2020

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discusses sign #1 of the five signs that indicate that a person is operating under the influence of source (divine) energy.  This is part 1 of a new five part series on The Love Cast podcast.  Give this episode a careful listen...

Nov 17, 2020

All human beings will encounter seasons of significant grief in their lives. No matter who you are, grief truly connects us all. While some become trapped and paralyzed by their grief, others transcend grief and are propelled into empowerment.

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal & Taylor interview the Carpenter twins about their journey through significant grief this past year, and how their grief has led them into empowerment.  You won't want to miss this interview as I believe the things shared here in this episode will have direct implications for your own life.    

Nov 10, 2020

A week after the 2020 presidential election, three major things have been revealed.  

1. People have been waiting a long time to feel like they can make a consequential choice about their own life and society.

2. The narrative we were given is fiction.  

3. People's inherent power must be given away in order to be controlled.  

I invite you to listen to this episode of The Love Cast with an open mind as these three observations about the election are explored in further detail.   

Oct 27, 2020

Is cold the opposite of heat?  Is hate the opposite of love?  Is darkness the opposite of light?  Is death the opposite of life? Is poverty the opposite of abundance?


There is only heat.  There is only love.  There is only light.  There is only life.  There is only abundance.  

What is called coldness is simply a lack of awareness of heat. Coldness is substance-less, but heat is substance. What is called hate is simply a lack of awareness of love.  Hate is substance-less, but love is substance. What is called darkness is simply a lack of awareness of light. Darkness is substance-less, but light is substance.  What is called death is simply a lack of awareness of being. Death is substance-less, but life is substance.  What is called poverty is simply a lack of awareness of abundance. Poverty is substance-less, but abundance is substance.  

Failure to understand this reality leads to unnecessary duality and an opposition & struggle against that which simply doesn't exist.       

Oct 20, 2020

Do you feel worthy?

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about why a deep unconscious belief of our unworthiness keeps us from easily moving into our highest and fullest potential.  It is often a deep seated belief that our worthiness is something that we need to attain that causes us to work and perform for it.  While we can never work for worthiness, we can certainly work from a deep knowing of our own inherent worthiness.  When we do, everything changes effortlessly.  


Oct 13, 2020

Love & can never work for it, but you most certainly can work from it.  In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about the following three points about love and relationships:

1. No one can make you feel anything.

2. No one actually ever has relationship problems.

3. Relationships are a mirror to be welcomed as an opportunity to go inward.  

To understand the implications of these truths for our lives and relationships, give this full episode a careful listen. 

Oct 6, 2020

Do you know what your purpose is?

Most people live their entire lives in the dark about their purpose.  Survey after survey reveals that the majority of people either haven't considered that they have a unique purpose, or that they don't know how to discover their life's purpose.  

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about how to allow our purpose to actually discover us by removing the two major obstacles that we have been indoctrinated with that keep us unaware of our highest purpose.   

Sep 29, 2020

Are you significant?  Are you credible?  Are you qualified?

How do you determine the answer to these questions?  What is your blueprint for determining your significance, your credibility, and your qualifications?  Do you know the difference between working from significance as opposed to working for significance?  Do you know what successful corporate executives and many inmates in prison have in common? 

Find the answers to these all important questions in this episode of The Love Cast. 

Sep 22, 2020

Those who work to live a safe and secure life will not achieve it, but those who live and work from a state of security and safety will never lack a safe and secure life. 

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about why seeking safety and security through our work leads to the abandonment of the very two things that actually give us a life of safety and security.  Give this episode a careful listen... 

Sep 15, 2020

Do you know the difference between working * for * something and working * from * something?  

In this episode of The Love Cast, I discuss why working 'for' something often leads to failure, but working 'from' something leads to success. In this episode, I discuss why quitting my job and losing my health insurance several years ago was a catalyst for me to begin the journey into achieving true healthcare.  Hold your judgements and assumptions and give this episode a careful listen...    

Sep 8, 2020

Out here in California, it's officially wildfire season. During this season, one spark can engulf an entire region into flames and destruction.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about how apt of a metaphor this is to our current situation in our own individual lives, and also as a wider society.  For us, it is our words that either drive our lives forward into states of healing and wholeness, or into states of despair and destruction.  Give this episode a careful listen...  

Sep 1, 2020

Do you *FEEL* like a liability, or an asset?  

In this episode of The Love Cast, I discuss what 99% of our poor and middle class society has never been taught, but what the 1% of the wealthy in society seem to realize.  Viewing our life through liability energy at the subconscious level affects every aspect of our lives from our relationships, to our health, to our finances.  Give this episode a careful listen...  

Aug 18, 2020

Did you know that violating the law of least effort leads to burnout, relational breakdown, and the perpetuation of poverty?  Most of us have been conditioned to believe in the hard work ethic, but true, sustainable, and effective accomplishment occurs by honoring the law of least effort.  Give this episode a listen to find out more...   

Aug 11, 2020

Did you know that evangelical evangelist Billy Graham and microbiologist Louis Pasteur are both influential figures that are largely known for beliefs and theories that they espoused early in life but came to disavow in their later years? 

In the case of Louis Pasteur, most modern medical understanding of the immune system (and current treatment protocols) are rooted in ideas he later disavowed.  So, why is Louis Pasteur known for his earlier ideas and not his later discovery?  The same can be said for Billy Graham.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about what Billy Graham and Louis Pasteur can teach us about the virtues of personal evolution.         

Aug 4, 2020

Do you know why my Facebook post about censorship was shared 459 times so far?

In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about the flawed psychology of censorship, and what is at the root of the desire to censor others we may disagree with.  Censorship and ridicule of those we disagree with always speaks more about the nature of our own state of mind than those we are trying to censor or ridicule.  External forms of censorship are ultimately a mirror of an internal state of censorship.  Give this very important episode a careful listen...   

Jul 21, 2020

In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about my current bout with a very painful health condition called shingles (caused by the herepes zoster virus) and why this is actually great news for me.  I made some very significant discoveries that have important implications for us all.  Give this episode a careful listen...      

Jul 13, 2020

In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about the little known or understood reality which states: "we become that which we oppose".  While disagreement is a natural part of life, operating from the energy of opposition keeps us mis-aligned from our highest and most empowered self.  

In this podcast, I talk about the three step process that will take us out of opposition energy, and into an energy that aligns with our highest self.  This might be my most important podcast to date...

Jul 7, 2020

Although our current national conversation is about the virus, there is a much more prevalent viral condition that is being exposed and brought to the surface in this season of upheaval.  I'm speaking of the virulent virus of victimhood.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I share a three step process that can help us overcome the virus of victimhood and also help relieve the debilitating effects of anxiety and depression as well.  Give this episode a careful listen...

Jun 22, 2020

What is going on?  Why is this year (2020) so tumultuous?  How could the 'experts' get the predictions so wrong about the virus?  How can I trust the media and government leaders who warn of the grave dangers and selfishness of opening businesses and not wearing masks in public, and yet rave about and defend mass gatherings of protestors at the same time?  How do we know what to believe? 

Have you asked these same questions?  In these tumultous times, it's imperative that we have access to a reliable and trustworthy source of knowledge.  I am convinced that human beings were not designed to live in perpetual ignorance, but in pure awareness.  Ignorance is simply unconsciousness to what we already know.

In this episode of The Love Cast, I share how you can become someone who is all knowing by becoming conscious of what you already know.  Give this episode a careful listen...       


Jun 16, 2020

It's been said that "a riot is the language of the unheard", but do you know what the language of the heard is? 

It seems that a vast majority of people in our society (the herd) feel unheard.  In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about why speaking the language of the unheard leads to more unhearing, and I also talk about how to replace this faulty language with the empowering language of the heard.  May we stop speaking the language of the herd, and start speaking the language of the heard.  Give this episode a careful listen...         

Jun 1, 2020

Do you know the difference between anger and rage? How about disease and health?  

In the last few months, our society has been pulled in two traumatic directions with the use of fear, and now rage.  Fear and rage are the two puppet strings that keep getting pulled to manipulate our society.  Complex issues like health and racism can only be solved by those who are liberated from the puppet strings of fear and rage.  Please give this episode a careful listen...

May 18, 2020

In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal discusses the mindset of prostitution and how this mindset is actually programmed into us at very early ages and affects us all, including society's top levels of leadership.  Give this episode a careful listen...

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