This past Friday, November 19th 2021, my mother Beatrice Ann Jivanjee passed away.
My mother was one of the most influential people in my life, and I could not be the person I am today without her contribution to my development and understanding of the nature of life.
There are four main areas of life in which my mother imparted awareness to me. Today, I feel compelled to pass this awareness on to you because they are vitally important for us all.
I would be honored if you would allow my mother's impartation to me to continue on to you in the form of this podcast episode. May her story encourage you as you continue to shape your life today.
Did you know that the body is the antenna specifically designed to bring the 'signal' of life into clarity?
Did you know that the reason why many people are suffering today is specifically because they have not learned how to 'raise the antenna' of the body with enough precision to adequately 'tune' into life?
What does your spine, your mind, and your ingestion have to do with your experience of life? Turns out, more than you may know.
Do you know the difference between a situation and a struggle?
Is life a series of situations to be responded to, or a series of struggles to be resisted?
Can life be free of struggle altogether?
In this episode, I continue a conversation with the extraordinary Bobby Downes about this very subject. This is part two of a two part conversation.
May this be the beginning to the end of your struggles,
Do you know the difference between a situation and a struggle?
Is life a series of situations to be responded to, or a series of struggles to be resisted?
Can life be free of struggle altogether?
In this episode of The Love Cast With Jamal, I have a conversation with the extraordinary Bobby Downes about this very subject. This is part one of a two part conversation.
In this episode of The Love Cast With Jamal, I will be predicting your future. If you are interested in becoming much more aware of your future, then you may want to listen to today's episode. Warning, this episode isn't for everyone. If you come to terms with the future that I will be revealing, your present day life may be drastically affected. Listen at your own risk.
In this episode of The Love Cast, I address a common misconception that many have made about the message of my book 'Living For A Living'. Many mistakenly assume that my book advocates that our purpose and passion in life will become our main source of monetary income in life. This is not what it means to 'Live For A Living'. In this episode, I talk about why our passion and purpose in life may not always be the main stream of monetary income for us.
In this very important episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about why inconsistency on, and impatience with, the healing journey can lead to manic behavior which keeps people stuck in cycles of poverty, suffering, and powerlessness. Please listen to this episode with careful attention.
Did you know that fire plays a vital part of our vital life energies?
Would you like to reclaim freedom and control of your daily life? If so, I invite you to listen to this episode and implement the two strategies that are discussed in this episode of The Love Cast With Jamal.
Is your food alive or dead?
Have you considered this question? If not, chances are you are distracted with other things of lesser importance. In this episode, I have a conversation with Tori Carpenter about what it means to be devoted to life by becoming devoted to food. Tori discusses her findings from 'The China Study', and the implications are vitally important.
In the scope of modern human history, we are the most technologically advanced than we have ever been. Never before has daily living been as easy as it is in this current day and age with the necessities of life literally available at the command of our finger tips.
So, why are we suffering more than ever before?
Why is there so much drama, fear, division, and noise online and in our own lives?
Why do we need to medicate just to make it through the day?
Why is there so much sickness, substance abuse, addiction, and suicide destroying the lives of so many?
Because of a lack of devotion. In this episode of The Love Cast, we will introduce the concept of 'devotion' and we will talk about water. Yes, water. Water is vitally important if we are going to live a life of devotion free of suffering.
Give this episode a careful listen.
Did you know that the service and retail industry, particularly in California, was one of the most decimated sectors of business in the United States due to the severe and extended lockdowns and restrictions placed on small businesses in California?
Did you also know that Sidecar Doughnuts, a rapidly growing and innovative service based company in Southern California, thrived and grew in 2020 despite those conditions?
In this episode of The Love Cast With Jamal, I had a wide ranging interview with Sidecar Doughnuts Founder & President Sumter Pendegrast about his life, his spiritual deconstruction, and his career as an entrepreneur. Success leaves clues, and I guarantee you there will be nuggets of gold for you in this conversation. Give this episode a careful listen.
Did you know that for many people in Jesus' day, his message was pretty lame and unconvincing?
Did you know that his message of internal empowerment seemed to invalidate the powerlessness and victim identity that many had adopted for their lives?
Jesus' refusal to scapegoat the powerful political leaders of his day for the suffering of the people, and his embrace of the 'ordinary' abundance of nature as a metaphor for the 'kingdom' that the people were longing for, was too un-dramatic for the masses. Give this episode a careful listen...
Do you know the difference between truth and belief?
Did Jesus tech people to have beliefs, or how to recognize the nature of truth in everyday life?
Life has taught me to recognize that truth and belief are not the same thing. Beliefs close the mind, but truth opens the mind. The difference between truth and belief is much more than just semantics, rather, knowing the distinction between truth and belief will have implications of how you interact with life itself. Give this episode a careful listen...
Did you know that being 'For' or 'Against' anything promotes perpetual resistance? Did you know that anything we resist will continue to persist? So, what is the solution to any and all problems in this world?
Hint: It involves taking a stand for nothing.
Before you reject what I am saying, I extend a special invitation to you to listen to this episode with curiosity and awareness so you can see the essence of what I am communicating in this episode...
If someone showed up at your home suddenly, in the middle of the night, with the demand that they be allowed to come into your home so they can protect you, would you easily and casually open the door without doing some investigative research on who the person actually is? Probably not. So, why is this same logic being used to persuade us to take the rapidly produced new drug?
In this episode of The Love Cast With Jamal, I have an open discussion with Dr. Richard Vanderloo about why he has made the conscious decision not to take the new drug. Give this episode a careful listen...
In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal shares some breaking news about the podcast that will require your involvement. Listen to find out more...
What if the very thing you have been resisting, avoiding, fearful of, and are in conflict with, is actually the key to your peace?
In this episode of The Love Cast, I conduct an epic conversation with transformational coach AJ Amyx about why falling in love with the conflict you've been resisting could actually be the key to peace and power in your life. We cover a lot of subjects in this episode, but the theme of this conversation is about surrendering to the experience we may be trying to avoid, including embracing conflict, as a path to sustainable peace. You'll want to listen to this one very carefully.
The reason past injustices keep repeating for us, both personally and collectively, is because the past remains our primary reference point. Every time we react to past injustice using shame and blame, we are actually bringing the past energy of injustice into the present.
To end injustice, powerlessness, and perpetual victimhood, (both personally and collectively), we need a reference point from the future, not the past. When we visualize and have a dream of holistic justice, and hold that as our new reference point, we bring the energetic future we all desire into the present which then creates our future. Give part five of this series a careful listen.