Are you significant? Are you credible? Are you qualified?
How do you determine the answer to these questions? What is your blueprint for determining your significance, your credibility, and your qualifications? Do you know the difference between working from significance as opposed to working for significance? Do you know what successful corporate executives and many inmates in prison have in common?
Find the answers to these all important questions in this episode of The Love Cast.
Those who work to live a safe and secure life will not achieve it, but those who live and work from a state of security and safety will never lack a safe and secure life.
In this episode of The Love Cast, Jamal talks about why seeking safety and security through our work leads to the abandonment of the very two things that actually give us a life of safety and security. Give this episode a careful listen...
Do you know the difference between working * for * something and working * from * something?
In this episode of The Love Cast, I discuss why working 'for' something often leads to failure, but working 'from' something leads to success. In this episode, I discuss why quitting my job and losing my health insurance several years ago was a catalyst for me to begin the journey into achieving true healthcare. Hold your judgements and assumptions and give this episode a careful listen...
Out here in California, it's officially wildfire season. During this season, one spark can engulf an entire region into flames and destruction. In this episode of The Love Cast, I talk about how apt of a metaphor this is to our current situation in our own individual lives, and also as a wider society. For us, it is our words that either drive our lives forward into states of healing and wholeness, or into states of despair and destruction. Give this episode a careful listen...
Do you *FEEL* like a liability, or an asset?
In this episode of The Love Cast, I discuss what 99% of our poor and middle class society has never been taught, but what the 1% of the wealthy in society seem to realize. Viewing our life through liability energy at the subconscious level affects every aspect of our lives from our relationships, to our health, to our finances. Give this episode a careful listen...